
Extract products from
any image

Being able to add product images or inspiration images right alongside your layouts has always been a critical part of our presentations. You can now, for the first time, create space-by-space presentations that show exactly the products you are using and how they are arranged.
Bulk upload via .csv
Drag and drop images or pdfs
Drag and drop .dwg, .dxf or .3dm files
Credit card mockups

Enrich your product data, automatically

Being able to add product images or inspiration images right alongside your layouts has always been a critical part of our presentations. You can now, for the first time, create space-by-space presentations that show exactly the products you are using and how they are arranged.
Bulk upload via .csv
Drag and drop images or pdfs
Drag and drop .dwg, .dxf or .3dm files
Credit card mockups

product recommendations

Being able to add product images or inspiration images right alongside your layouts has always been a critical part of our presentations. You can now, for the first time, create space-by-space presentations that show exactly the products you are using and how they are arranged.
Bulk upload via .csv
Drag and drop images or pdfs
Drag and drop .dwg, .dxf or .3dm files
Credit card mockups

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