Release: Projects

Canoa releases new product info features for easy visibility and data creation.
Written by
Chelsea Flintoft
Published on
September 18, 2024

📈 Projects 📈

Add Project information and metrics to your Canvas!

Add a project from the toolbar. The project reads the entire canvas.

By editing information in the side panel, the Project can capture:

  • Address information
  • Gross Area
  • Plannable Area
  • Total Budget
  • Carbon Estimate
  • % of Second Life items in design
  • Cost per SF

The milestones widget is particularly cool. Users can create custom milestones and scroll horizontally on a timeline to compare those due dates to today!

🧊 Improvements 🧊

“Brands” instead of “Featured”

On the main /products page, find a direct connection the brand storefronts in the header

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