We made it easier to view and use products, so now it's easier for you to design!
Users can easily flip between products in the Canoa catalog or their own, and the product data, including specification information and similar products, is easily visible at a quick glance.
Now it is much easier to save products to your Catalog, see that a product is already in your catalog, and even remove products from your catalog. Within your catalog, you can also duplicate a product and edit the information, all within an easy-to-view sidebar.
While browsing the catalog, if you find a product that you just need to start designing with, you can now start a canvas directly from the product information!
Big Big News - now you can create your own product card from anything!!
So go ahead, drop a picture of that gorgeous vintage rug into your canvas, and create your own product and drawing so you can use it in a layout.
We've also improved the workflow for bringing in a product drawing, so it's easier than ever to design floorplans with scaled 2D drawings. Check out this video of us creating a new product card for vintage Cesca chairs, and using an existing 2D drawing to associate to our product! You can also use our nifty new DXF Importer to bring in your own drawings, if you have them for a product.
And we just can't wait to tell you what is coming in the next release...Add text in the canvas !!!
Currently hidden for testing, but soon available to all. Get excited, and get your canvases ready for text!